Do Walnuts Lower Cholesterol? - Discover the Best Foods That Lower Cholesterol
You may have heard that walnuts lower cholesterol and are wondering what that's all about. You see, there is much misunderstanding surrounding the health benefits of walnuts as well as nuts in general. Because nuts are so high and fats, the connection between walnuts and cholesterol is confusing.
However, if you have high cholesterol then you need to be aware of the information in this article. One of the keys to bringing down high cholesterol levels is to add cholesterol lowering foods to your diet, and walnuts are one of the best. It is true that the high calorie content of walnuts can cause you to put on weight, so it is important that you use walnuts as a substitute for other foods, preferably those that are high in saturated fats.
There have been many studies conducted that have shown a substantial decrease in the risk of heart disease and those who consume at least five servings of walnuts a week. This benefit is realized due to the fact that walnuts are loaded in fiber, omega-3 fatty acids and high levels of vitamins and minerals.
A wonderful, little known fact is that not only do walnuts lower cholesterol, but they also help lower blood pressure. The omega-3 fatty acids found in walnuts act as a blood thinner preventing blood clots and helping the blood flow more smoothly.
The connection between walnuts and cholesterol is due primarily to the cholesterol lowering qualities of fiber. Fiber has been shown to work against high cholesterol in two ways. First of all, cholesterol attaches itself to fiber in the intestines. This allows it to easily be eliminated from the body
Fiber also removes bile acids from the body which in turn stimulates the liver into producing more bile acid and guess what the liver uses for the production of bile acid. Cholesterol! Yes, a high fiber diet causes the liver to absorb cholesterol from the blood stream in order to produce bile acid.
Walnuts are a powerful superfood. Walnuts lower cholesterol and supply the essential fatty acids that are so important to heart health. One of the most effective cholesterol-lowering breakfasts you can eat is a bowl of oatmeal with crushed walnuts mixed in.
I invite you visit my website where I discussed this and many other cholesterol lowering foods and diets. The information you learned there will quickly put you on the road to a healthier heart without having to resort to cholesterol medication.
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