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Monday, November 17, 2008

Heart Attack

Heart attack is a condition in which blood flow to a particular portion of the heart is stopped. The blood carries oxygen to the heart muscles. That portion of the heart gets damaged due to lack of oxygen.
Heart related disease is the main killer of most of the men's and women's in USA alone.
Cause - Heart attack occurs when the coronary arteries that supplies blood and oxygen to the heart gets blocked. This blockage is caused due to accumulation of cholesterol at a particular point in the arteries. This narrows the artery and lowers the supply of blood to the heart. This condition usually causes the patient to get severe pain in the chest especially when the patient is walking or performing a task that needs heart to pump more blood. If not detected in time this passage is totally blocked and obstructs the supply of blood to the heart causing it to stop.
Know you are having a heart attack - Acting immediately on the first signs of heart attack symptoms can save the life of the patient. The symptoms of a heart attack are. 1. Chest pain - unbearable pain, feel as if someone is sitting on your chest. This pain goes and comes back after few minutes. 2. Discomfort - Discomfort in both arms, back, neck, jaws etc 3. Breath - Difficulty in berating. 4. Other signs include nausea, vomiting, fainting, or cold sweat.
If you know someone is having a heart attack call 911 or call your doctor immediately. Giving a patient immediate medical attention will save his life. Prevention is better than cure. In my site, which is mentioned below I have mentioned many home bases and safe ideas that will help you to lead a healthy life. Many of the techniques suggested will also benefit patients already with a heart ailment.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Stanley_Fernandes


What Foods Reduce Cholesterol?

Cholesterol is an important substance we all need for our body to function properly. But in this case to much of something is not a good thing and high levels of cholesterol can be dangerous to your long term health. If you have high cholesterol it is a good idea to lower it to more normal levels and the best way to do this is through diet.
So what foods reduce cholesterol?
The first thing you need to know is that all foods that come from animal sources contain cholesterol in them. Eggs, poultry, meat, seafood, and dairy products all contain it and eating them can contribute to raising cholesterol levels.
But more importantly when it comes to foods that lower cholesterol are foods that are high in Trans fats and saturated fats. In fact these two fats have been shown to increase blood cholesterol levels more then foods that contain it.
The daily limit for cholesterol as recommended by the American Heart Association is no more then 300 milligrams. By maintaining a healthy diet it is easy to keep your levels under control and your cardiovascular system healthy. Choosing healthy foods low in saturated and Trans fats is the first step to beating this problem. Also eating plenty of high fiber no cholesterol foods such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables is important.
Many people wonder if they need to cut out animal products all together. The answer is no but they should be eaten in moderation. Probably what is most important is how these foods are prepared. You should eat only lean cuts of meat and poultry and they should be baked, broiled, or grilled. Frying any food should be avoided at all costs because of the saturated and Trans fat used to fry foods are a known danger.
One food that is known to reduce cholesterol is seafood rich in Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Salmon is the best choice as it has one of the highest amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids of all seafood's. For those who don't like seafood or have limited access to seafood it can be bought in pill supplement form.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Andrew_Bicknell
