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Sunday, August 23, 2009

Lower Cholesterol Diet - Nature's Solution to High Cholesterol That Provides Extraordinary Results

If you have chosen to use a lower cholesterol diet to improve your lipid readings, I applaud you. In most cases, individuals turn to medication to bring their cholesterol readings down. However, medication can never provide the benefits of a diet to lower high cholesterol which include having more energy, an improved immune system, and slowing down the aging process.

Let's take a look at some of the facts related to using diet to lower high cholesterol.

First of all, for the vast majority of individuals who have high cholesterol, any diet that is rich in the foods that lower cholesterol, and reduces the amount of saturated fat intake will be effective. I personally chose the South Beach diet.

While the South Beach diet is not specifically designed as a cholesterol lowering diet, it works as a lower cholesterol diet due to the amounts of vegetables, whole grains and nuts that it recommends. The wonderful thing about a diet plan like this is that it provides the structure necessary to stay with it until goals are met.

Another important aspect to a diet to lower high cholesterol is that it provides high amounts of nutrients including vitamins, minerals, amino acids and essential fatty acids (EFA). No matter what diet you choose, this is important to keep you feeling good both mentally and physically. One of the sad facts of life is that if we don't feel good, we won't follow through with difficult things such as dieting.

A lower cholesterol diet should contain many vegetables, the best of which are brussels sprouts, spinach and broccoli. These all contain very high levels of fiber and plant sterols that have been shown scientifically to reduce cholesterol levels. Fruit is also effective for reducing cholesterol. However, due to its high glycemic index, fruit can increase cravings which may keep you from eating the best foods for lowering cholesterol.

These are the types of things you'll need to consider as you look into a diet to reduce cholesterol that will work for you. Whether you use a structured lower cholesterol diet or develop your own diet, I encourage you to visit my website where I discuss the most effective foods to lower cholesterol and other things you can do to improve your cholesterol health.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Van_Crawford

Cholesterol Reducing Foods - Outstanding Foods You Want in Your Diet

If cholesterol reducing foods are a new concept to you, then you will want to thoroughly read this article. You see, most individuals turn to cholesterol medication when they learned that their lipid levels are high. However, this just does not make sense.

Considering the dangerous side effects of statin medication such as the potential for damage to your muscles, kidneys and liver, it makes much more sense to turn to foods for high cholesterol first, and leave medication as a last resort.

Cholesterol reducing foods can be extremely effective. I recently read an article about a doctor who could not tolerate the side effects of medication so he was forced to try to use foods and diet to reduce his cholesterol. He was surprised to find out the results that he experienced rescue to or better than what most of his patients experienced using medication.

The best foods for high cholesterol are going to be those that contain high amounts of fiber and plant sterols. These would include vegetables, fruits and nuts. The combination of plant sterols (naturally occurring substances in all plants) and fiber is powerful.

This helps reduce cholesterol levels in two ways. First of all, the fiber helps eliminate cholesterol from the body before it even has a chance to be absorbed into the bloodstream. Plant sterols on the other hand have been shown to compete for absorption with cholesterol, permitting less of it to get absorbed.

Many individuals are surprised to hear that nuts are among the best cholesterol reducing foods. They have always heard that nuts are high in fat and should be excluded from any diet plan. However, the truth is that nuts contain fiber and the omega-3 fatty acids that are essential to supporting a healthy body and mind. These fats will in no way the increase your LDL cholesterol levels.

A diet that is rich in cholesterol reducing foods and contains little saturated fat will be the most effective way for you to develop healthy cholesterol readings. I encourage you to visit my website where you discuss in more detail the diets and foods that reduce cholesterol.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Van_Crawford

Good Cholesterol Foods - Amazing Foods That Support Healthy Cholesterol Levels

If you've recently been informed that you have high cholesterol, then you will want to make yourself aware of the wonderful good cholesterol foods that have scientific evidence behind their ability to support healthy cholesterol levels.

You see, the typical American diet that contains high amounts of saturated fats is responsible to a large extent for the epidemic of high cholesterol that we have today. Many drug manufacturers would have you think that the best way to reduce your high cholesterol levels is through the use of statin medication.

However, what you don't hear much about is the fact that food that lowers cholesterol is abundant and has scientifically been proven to be extremely effective. Some individuals have found that by increasing the amounts of good cholesterol foods that they eat, they are able to reduce their high cholesterol more effectively than what medication can do for them.

Food that lowers cholesterol is primarily high fiber foods such as vegetables, fruit, whole grains and nuts. The effectiveness of these high fiber foods has been proven over and over again. This is due to the fact that cholesterol attaches itself to fiber in the intestines, so that it is eliminated before it has a chance to be absorbed into the body.

Another benefit of a high fiber diet is that it actually stimulates the liver into absorbing cholesterol from the blood stream. I like to describe dietary fiber as a two edged sword because of these two ways in which it helps reduce high cholesterol.

It is important though that you do not eliminate all fats from your diet in your attempt to reduce cholesterol. Healthy fats such as those found in flax seed, many grains and various types of nuts are essential to your health and will not raise blood lipid levels.

In reality, the vast majority of Americans will never face problems with their cholesterol if they are consistently consuming a diet that is rich in this food that lowers cholesterol. I encourage you to visit my website where I discuss in more detail the most effective foods for reducing high cholesterol levels.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Van_Crawford