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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Heart Disease in Women - Cause & Cure

More and more women are dying of heart disease. What is more dangerous is that most of the women who die of heart disease do not even know that they have it. Women are aware of cervical problems, of breast cancer but do not think that they are susceptible to heart disease.

Most people really think that women do not get heart disease. They also mistakenly believe that women have the same symptoms as men when it comes to heart disease. Both these assumptions are untrue.

Women get heart disease and the symptoms can be radically different. The symptoms are not normally the crushing pain that men get. It can be shortness of breath, anxiety, insomnia, chronic indigestion. Popping digestive pills and sedatives is what women do when they get these symptoms and this can aggravate the problem.

Uncontrollable risk factors for heart disease are:

1. Heredity. If you have a family history of heart disease or stroke you can be susceptible to heart disease.
2. If you are post menopausal or have had a hysterectomy, you are at risk.
3. After a certain age, you should get your heart exam done.

Controllable risk factors are;

1. Hypertension
2. Smoking
3. Cholesterol that has increased or decreased HDL
4. Diabetes
5. Obesity
6. Obesity and sedentary lifestyle
7. Birth control pills along with smoking

Women have traditionally been care givers and do not take time off to look after themselves and this can aggravate the condition.

However, you should now start taking care of your own health and heart

1. Go through your family's medical history to know if you are at risk.
2. Start some sort of cardio exercises, at least for 30 minutes thrice a week.
3. Eat a healthy and balanced diet. Include fresh leafy vegetables, food high in anti oxidants; reduce fats and red meats in your diet. Your diet should mainly comprise of whole grains, vegetables and fruits.
4. Ensure that your blood pressure is normal.
5. Have a positive and healthy attitude. Do not be negative. An excellent way to maintain this attitude is by yoga
6. Take proper rest.
7. Avoid smoking.
8. Eat foods rich in Vitamins B, B6 and B12, Vitamin C, and those that contain Beta Carotene and Selenium. You could take them as supplements too, since they are anti oxidant and you're your arteries healthy and supple.
9. Eat fish at least twice a week, as omega 3 fatty acids contained in the fish reduce blood clot formation. Alternatively take fish oil capsules.
10. Your diet should reduce your cholesterol and also provide you anti oxidants. Your regular exercise and meditation will also help you de-stress and bring hypertension into control. In case you have difficulty starting an exercise program, join yoga classes or start walking with a friend. This is an enjoyable way of socialising and also staying healthy.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Nick_Gates


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