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Monday, October 5, 2009

How Many People a Year Die From Heart Disease?

When I was a kid, there was all kinds of promise for the future health and recreation of human beings. 'The Jetsons' sold us kids a world where our every need could be satisfied with science and technology. Robots would be available for every need and whim. Well, as far as robots go, we actually are surrounded by chips, interfaces and memory banks who do attend to many of our needs, just mostly without the fun robotic voices and oddly shaped humanoid figures we expected. Yeah, I do kind of still want those little extras.

But, outside of those youthful dreams, there have been some real life advances that our grandparents (and in some cases our parents) could never have dreamed of. In 1982 the first Artificial heart was implanted into an American man. The heart was called the 'Jarvik-7' and it helped to keep a man alive for almost four months, and another man soon followed who lived for almost 21 months on the same model of heart. Soon after came the advances of the 'AbioCor', which lessened many of the risk factors of the original creation of 'Jarvik-7'! And beyond that science moved forward with the 'ventricular assist device' (VAD) wherein the failing left ventricle can receive a pump assist without removing the patient's heart entirely!

But, unfortunately, with all of these miraculous creations, the one thing that science hasn't been able to stamp out entirely is the root cause of the need for Artificial hearts: heart disease. Over 600,000 Americans a year die from heart disease! With all of these amazing strides in medicine and science, we are still susceptible to heart attack, clogged arteries, heart failure and high blood pressure. Science alone cannot remind us to take vitamin supplements or to hit the gym four days a week. So, essentially, its still up to the human intellect to keep up the fight against heart disease.

One of the best ways to keep your body fighting FOR you, is to supply your body with as many positive acting agents you can. The body has plenty of naturally existing chemicals internally to aid in the fight against disease and time. Antioxidants are some of the most potent chemical elements in our body; these are substances that remove potentially damaging oxidizing agents in our bodies. Oxidation, specifically, has been identified as one of the contributors to heart disease. It may occur when cholesterol gets oxidized in our blood and may contribute to the build up of fatty plaque on artery walls.

One of the best naturally occurring antioxidants may, in fact, be Glutathione. Glutathione occurs naturally in the body, but may benefit your body with an additional dietary supplement of the substance. (Much like additional Melatonin can help increase the amount of our naturally present sleep aid!) If you are considering taking on some supplements to combat heart disease, you surely should learn more about Glutathione.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Brian_P_Robinson


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