How Hypertension Causes Heart Failure
One simple truth most people have not come to appreciate is the fact that 60% of heart failures are directly or indirectly caused by high blood pressure or hypertension as it's called in some quarters. The blood pressure is increased when there is narrowing of blood vessels supplying blood to different organs; a phenomenon known as Peripheral Resistance. As expected, if the pipes from an overhead tank are partly or completely blocked, more water would be pulled back into the tank. If the tank has elastic property, it expands or becomes tense.
This same phenomenon occurs when the blood vessels are narrowed. At first, the part of the blood vessel before the narrowed point gets filled with blood and expands to accommodate the back flow. Since the heart is the source and the pumping machine, more blood is retained in the heart. In an attempt to pump the blood against resistant (the narrowed blood vessels), more labour is placed on the muscles of the heart.
Generally, the muscles of the body enlarge when subjected to work, for example extreme exercise, gymnastics etc. In the same way, the muscles of the heart begin to increase in the same way, the muscles of the heart begin to increase in size when overloaded; a condition known as size when overloaded; a condition known as Cardiomegaly. Initially, this structural enlargement appears compensatory in nature but with time, the heart begins to perform below its optimal potential. In a state of poor pumping performance, the heart is said to be in failure; Hypertensive Heart Failure.
Friend, Hypertension has been said to be one of the 4 major killer disease,
Are You Ready To Defeat Your High Blood Pressure? Or do you want that hypertension to send you to your early grave?
I guess you wouldn't!
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