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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

How to Reduce Cholesterol - Important Facts About High Cholesterol That You May Not Know

Somehow, the established medical community has managed to instill fear in many Americans who have high cholesterol. I suppose this is both good and bad. Learning how to reduce cholesterol is important, and if a little bit of fear provides the motivation for doing something about your high cholesterol, that's not all bad.

On the other hand, fear may lead you in the wrong direction. While it is true that cholesterol medication can quickly reduce high cholesterol levels, it is also true that a natural approach to reducing cholesterol can be just as effective and sometimes more so.

As you think about how to reduce cholesterol without resorting to medication, the first thing that may pop into your mind is avoiding high cholesterol foods. This really is the wrong approach to take. While it is important to cut back on high cholesterol foods such as eggs, dairy products and red meats, this will not make a huge impact on your cholesterol readings.

The most effective thing you can do to reduce cholesterol levels has more to do with what you are currently not eating, rather than what you need to avoid. The most effective natural substance for lowering cholesterol is soluble fiber. The reason fiber is so effective is due to the fact that cholesterol tends to bind to it in the intestine so that it is eliminated from the body before being absorbed.

Soluble fiber also stimulates the liver into absorbing cholesterol from the blood stream, rather than putting more cholesterol into the blood stream.

Now don't get me wrong. It is important to reduce foods that are high in saturated fat such as beef and pork. Saturated fats will actually cause your triglycerides to spike as well as increase cholesterol readings. You will also want to cut back on the amount of cholesterol in the foods that you eat.

It is important, however, not to cut back on the good fats in your diet. Foods such as fish and nuts contain high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids that provide essential nutrients that are critical, especially while dieting.

I urge you to visit my website where I discuss how to reduce cholesterol without using medication. Using this type of a natural approach to developing healthy cholesterol levels will improve the quality of your life and probably extend your lifespan.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Van_Crawford


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