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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Compare Cholesterol Drugs - 3 Different Alternatives Revealed

If your doctor has suggested medications for your cholesterol, it is important that you compare cholesterol drugs before agreeing to any prescription medications. It is important to discuss all medications and side effects with your health care provider. Never change your dosage levels or stop taking your medication without first checking with your doctor.

Statins - Statins work in the liver to help lower cholesterol. They are widely considered to be the most effective at lowering LDL cholesterol while also lowering triglycerides. This drug is not recommended for people with liver disease. Side effects can range from mild to severe. Some patients experience extreme muscle weakness and nausea while taking statin drugs.

Resins - Resins, sometimes referred to as bile acid-binding drugs, work in the intestines. Resins will increase the amount of bile your liver produces. Cholesterol helps make bile. If the cholesterol in your body is busy making more bile, then there will not be any bile left to clog your bloodstream. Most of the side effects of Resins are digestive related.

Niacin - Niacin is primarily targeted at lowering triglycerides and raising levels of HDL cholesterol. Niacin is currently an over-the-counter vitamin (Vitamin B6), and it is most effective when used in immediate release forms in high dosages.

When your doctor or physician recommends medication to lower your cholesterol, make sure you compare cholesterol drugs for all harmful side effects. Remember that all prescription medications are synthetic, and it is important to look for alternative supplements too.

The best treatment methods for cholesterol are all-natural supplements, and I recommend checking out natural supplements before investing in expensive medications prescribed by your physician.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lisa_Pedersen


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