Natural Cholesterol Reducers - Foods That Reduce Bad Cholesterol Levels Or Low Density Lipoprotein
There are two types of cholesterol in our body. They are Low Density Lipoproteins (LDL) or bad cholesterol and High Density Lipoproteins (HDL) or good cholesterol. Natural cholesterol reducers decrease the amount of LDL and help our body to promote HDL.
Excess Low Density Lipoprotein can cause heart attacks and diabetes. They are extremely harmful for our body because they clog our arteries and blood vessels. HDL helps in the removal of LDL from blood vessels and they also stimulate blood flow.
Foods That Reduce Bad Cholesterol Level
- In order to prevent heart diseases and diabetes, we should increase the intake of natural cholesterol reducers. There are various foods, which naturally remove LDL and provide you a disease free body.
- Consumption of fishes can be beneficial for reducing Low Density Lipoprotein. They are the greatest source of protein and omega3 fatty acids. They lower LDL levels and increases HDL levels in our body.
- Doctors usually recommend high soluble fibers for reducing LDL levels. They greatly reduce the chances of heart attacks and also promote High Density Lipoprotein. Foods like oats and cereals are rich source of high soluble fibres. Natural Cholesterol Reducers such as orange juices and salads can lower the bad cholesterol's levels. They are also rich in fibres and plant sterols.
- It is also advisable to take soy-based products. They can be best eaten with rice. Another miracle foods for promoting high-density lipoprotein are nuts. People generally like consuming them. They are very effective in terms of preventing your body from heart diseases and diabetes. You should have a moderate intake of nuts in your diet because they are high in calories and are Natural Cholesterol Reducers.
Excessive weight & Toxins in the Colon are two major reasons for high Cholesterol. Dr Oz, Oprah Winfrey & Rachel Ray have all endorsed the Dynamic Duo! for Weight Loss, Reduce LDL and Total Body Detox.
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