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Monday, September 15, 2008

Knowing All About Cholesterol Blood Tests

If you want to know the level of cholesterol in your blood, you have to go through cholesterol blood test. This test would give you a good estimate of how much cholesterol is present in your system. It is also the test that doctors use as a guide so that they can provide the right type of medications for you. Cholesterol blood test can be performed in most clinics that have the necessary equipments. With the many health centers in operation today, getting your cholesterol tested becomes as easy as buying fruits from a grocer.

And it gets even better still. Right now, there are cholesterol blood test kits that can be bought from pharmacies. These tests can reveal your cholesterol count in a matter of minutes. These at-home tests allow patients to test their cholesterol level whenever they want and where they want, even at the comforts of their own homes. Aside from these kits, there are also devices that can read your cholesterol level, including other information relevant to your condition.

With more and more people getting concerned with their cholesterol count, many are getting alarmed about the increasing instances of heart problems. Heart diseases can strike anybody. It is a disease that is very common to people 50 years old and above. This is because of the fact that at such point in their life, their heart had worked long enough to show signs of wear and tear. The people who failed to take care of their hearts and check their cholesterol levels are the ones who are more likely to develop heart concerns.

Cholesterol is one of the unwanted substances present in the bloodstream. It finds its way inside the body through the foods that you eat. Cholesterol is contained in your meals. And there are foods that are unmistakably rich with cholesterol that when eaten, could elevate your count drastically. It is quite easy to tell yourself not to eat foods high in cholesterol. But actually doing it is the hardest thing. Changing your lifestyle and your diet can't happen overnight. It even takes a lifetime for some people to change a single detail about their life, even if it is as simple as neglecting the food they love eating.

This is where cholesterol blood test comes into play. As these tests are getting more and more accessible, people are slowly getting aware of their condition, enough to leave them alarmed at a certain point. Knowledge of your condition and its implication is very important to motivate yourself to initiate some major changes. This is one of the reasons why taking a cholesterol blood test on a regular basis can help a lot.

When your cholesterol level is checked, the total number of cholesterol shows up. Generally, the ideal number is below 200 mg/dL. That's for people who don't possess any risk of developing heart problems. You might want your number lower if you have history of heart diseases or if any member of your family had suffered from it. The number of LDL or bad cholesterol should be kept below 100 mg/dL. Your HDL level or your level of good cholesterol should be at 40 to 60 mg/dL.

All individuals aged 20 years old and above should regularly go through cholesterol blood test. Checking your cholesterol level once every five years is good enough if you are not diagnosed with any type of heart disease. Of course, it gets more frequent if you are under the direct care of a physician due to heart problems. This test is medically referred to as the lipoprotein profile test. Your doctor should know how to interpret the results and provide you with the right medications, including lifestyle and dietary changes when needed.

Don't go through life with high levels of cholesterol in your blood. Not only that condition can be very risky for you - it can also stop you from living a life like you want it. Eventually, you will feel that you have less tolerance for extraneous activities. And so your movements and your actions get restricted over time. If you have your cholesterol blood test now, heart problems can be diagnosed early on. And at its initial stages, any problem with the functions of the heart can be very treatable. You may not realize it, but this simple test can actually save your life.



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