Must Know Information About Your Weight and Heart
Today, a lot of importance is placed on how much a person weighs. We go on a diet to improve our appearance according to what people think we should look like. Improved health and energy are other reasons we want to lose weight.
If your heart health is a matter of concern to you, you should certainly keep an eye on the scale. Nevertheless, your weight isn't just about pounds. The ratio of your hips to waist is actually more significant than what the scale reads.
We are cautioned by the American Heart Association that men with a waistline larger than 40 inches, and women with a waistline measuring more than 35 inches are at increased risk of developing heart disease. In fact, if your waist to hip ratio is high, you have a greater chance of heart trouble than an obese person with a lower percentage.
Visceral fat, a specific type of fat that is stored in your body, is what causes the higher likelihood of developing heart problems. This fat is located below your muscle and collects around your internal organs. Visceral fat is more stressful to your heart than any other accumulation of fat.
Among the problems it creates are high cholesterol, elevated blood sugar, and hypertension. In combination, these factors greatly increase your prospects of developing heart problems.
But one of the advantages of losing even a bit of weight from your abdomen is that it lowers your heart disease risk by a considerable amount. And surprisingly, a great way to specifically work on your waist area is by practicing yoga.
It's not at all necessary to spend your life at the gym, either. A session of exercise lasting anywhere from twenty to forty minutes each day will leave you healthier and slimmer in no time.
You can also handle your weight problem by changing your diet to include lots of fruits, vegetables, lean meat and whole grains. Eliminate food products that contain high levels of fats, particularly saturated or trans, as well as sugar.
A healthier diet helps you to lose excess fat, and it also regulates your blood sugar and blood pressure, as well as lowering your cholesterol. Together, this addresses your worries about heart disease and is the path to a healthier heart.
By getting rid of that extra weight around your waist, you might be able to fit into that new outfit. But more importantly, it will help you to stay healthy and have a more enjoyable life.
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